A huge Black Stag thank you to everyone who added a donation when they checked out over the last quarter. While we had a couple of large donations (extra thank you to you!) many many people added some pennies to round up their total - that added up to over £30! It really does all make a difference. It was a wonderful surprise to see how much had added up and how many people had opted to share their hard earned money.
I am incredibly grateful to you for your generosity and that donation is now in Crisis' coffers ready to be put to work supporting people off the streets and into stable housing.
A note about the changes to our donation recipient -
While I plan to revert to Crisis eventually, and in the meantime will continue to donate individually, currently Ukraine needs our help. Our checkout donations will go to the DEC - Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal until further notice. I know we are giving what we are able but every penny of help counts and as we've just demonstrated the pennies make themselves into pounds more quickly than you might think.
At the time of writing over 10 million people are displaced having fled the war and this number is estimated to rise to 18 million.
It has been humbling to see the response from my neighbours, from us as normal people trying to help other normal people in an appalling situation, not slowed by bureaucracy nor considering it someone else's problem. I will continue to help in any ways I am able.
So, from Scotland, from Black Stag and from me #WeStandWithUkraine and are sending our love and thanks.
Sam @ Black Stag